Do you need access to health and safety support? Start here.
Keeping children with ASD healthy and safe is a top concern for all parents of children with ASD. If you are looking for medical professionals, check out our resource guide in our Families section. For ideas and suggestions for common situations our families face, check out our prepared materials.
Water safety instruction and swimming lessons are essential for all children in Florida. But for children with ASD, no matter what their age, it is even more important. Many children with ASD are attracted to water, whether a neighbor’s pool, a retention pond or the ocean–water is everywhere in Florida! Here are some startling facts about children with ASD and water:
In Florida, individuals with ASD are provided with certain rights under the Wes Kleinert Fair Interview Act. If you are stopped and questioned by police, you can invoke your rights under this act. However, you must specifically state you have autism (not Asperger’s or ASD), and you wish to have a representative presents during any questioning as specified in Florida Law.
In addition to asking for interview support through the Wes Kleinert Act, we recommend carrying an ID supplement, which can be attached to your driver license or state ID card. We have these available for our registered families. This card helps explain unusual responses that we have seen in teens and adults with ASD when being confronted by law enforcement officers. You may also obtain a card and watch a video program on this at the DIG-it website.
It is important to follow officer directions–do not reach for your wallet or run if you are approached by an officer. Drop anything in your hands and follow directions, even if you were doing nothing wrong. The Be Safe program provides video examples of how to interact with police. This video can be viewed by contacting UCF CARD. We recommend practicing, and getting to know your local police officer and having them meet you/your child with ASD.
More about the Wes Kleinert Fair Interview Act (link)
ASD ID Supplement (contact your ASD specialist to be sent this card)
Be Safe Program (we have this DVD at UCF CARD (
Children with ASD often wander or “elope” from their homes, schools and community programs. There may be someplace they want to get to, or sometimes they are just overwhelmed and want to get away. If a child elopes, they face many risks. They often lack a sense of danger be at risk for abduction, injury, or accidental death. Drowning is the number one cause of death for children with ASD, and many are attracted to water. Review these resources to help to reduce wandering, and to speed efforts to find children before it is too late if they do elope.
What you should do if you discover your child is missing.
CALL 911. DO NOT start looking, call 911 immediately and tell the operator that your child with autism is missing. Say AUTISM, even if your child has a different label (ASD, Asperger’s, PDDNOS), since that is how the operators are trained to jump into a more intensive search mode.
What are some ways of preventing or monitoring wandering?
Here are some websites that offer services and devices that can help monitor wandering:
Be proactive!
The following Counties that we serve have programs to help prevent tragedy if a child or adults has eloped or wandered from home.
Orange County: Orange County has a registry where important information can be entered about your child, and a sticker program for alerting first responders that a person with ASD resides at the home (or may be in the car). They also have a Project Lifesaver program.
Brevard County: Brevard County participates in Project Lifesaver.
Osceola County: Osceola County participates in Project Lifesaver.
Sumter County: lorem ipsum
Lake County: lorem ipsum
Seminole County: lorem ipsum
Check out ASERT’s Fire Safety Guide
More and more employers are including coverage for medical services needed by children with ASD in Florida. Florida Statute 641.31098 is known as the Steven A Geller Autism Coverage Act. It provides access to medical coverage for speech, physical and occupational therapy and applied behavior analysis services for children with parents employed by any company that is insured through the state of Florida.
Certain insurance plans are exempt from state mandates. Please contact your plan administrator to see if your plan includes state mandated autism spectrum disorder benefits.
If you are in need of insurance coverage for medical services and have limited family income, you may qualify for Medicaid-based programs. To apply and check eligibility, apply through ACCESS FLORIDA
Accidents happen! Learn how to prepare your loved one with ASD for a visit to the emergency room (or how to prepare the ER for your child)!
Need it in Spanish?
Dental visits can be scary for children with ASD. Our healthy friends at USF CARD have created this booklet to help prepare children with ASD for their experience in a typical dental check up and cleaning.
We recommend downloading or viewing it online with your children each day for a week before your child’s visit to the dentist. If you have the need for a personalized story due to a special circumstances, contact your UCF CARD ASD specialist and we can help you develop one for your situation.
The Grotto is a nonprofit group that supports children with special needs who cannot access dental care. The program helps cover the cost of treatment, including hospitalization and anesthesia, when needed for children with intellectual disability and related conditions. Contact the Ormazd chapter for more information if you believe your child may need such support.
Hurricanes are a fact of life in Florida. They can be scary and break comforting routines for days or weeks. Having an ASD Hurricane plan can help prepare the child with ASD for these changes. Special Needs shelters will open, but you will need to know what to bring to make your child’s (and your) stay as peaceful as possible. UCF CARD produces a Hurricane Social Story and posts to this website when a hurricane path will take a storm over Central Florida. Check back here if the forecast predicts we will be affected by a hurricane.
UCF CARD provides over 20 training seminars each year for police and other first responders to help them understand and support individuals with ASD in a crisis or law enforcement situation. However, it is important for families to also teach children and adults with ASD how to stay out of trouble, and how to interact with police in any situation.
These resources are provided to help you educate your child or yourself on strategies to interact with police, in any kind of situation.
Social Narrative: I Can Respect a Police Officer
Social Narrative: Talking to the Police
Social Narrative: Interacting With Police Officers
Sociall Narrative: If the Police Stop Me
There are additional resources that are available to UCF CARD registered children and adults, as well as safety training days each year.
Many times, insurance companies deny coverage for an individual with autism because they mistakenly believe that autism is a mental illness. Case law in California has verified that autism is not a mental illness or condition and that this is an unacceptable reason for denying coverage. You may wish to obtain a copy of the decision of the Federal Court in California, affirmed by the United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, Kunin v. Benefit Trust Life Ins. Co., 696 F. Supp. 1342 (C.C. Cal. 1988), aff’d,910 F.2d 534 (9th Cir.) In this case, the Court ruled that autism was not a mental illness and thus could not be a basis for limiting benefits.
Here are some recommendations if you are seeking insurance coverage for ASD interventions.
To learn more about TriCare Insurance Coverage of ASD click here
Getting your private insurance to cover services for ASD can be difficult. CASP (The Council of Autism Service Providers) has provided a guidebook to appeal ASD related insurance denials. To download the guidebook, click here.
Florida Department of Financial Services
200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399
The United Healthcare Children’s Foundation (UHCCF) has announced that new grants are available to help children who need critical healthcare treatment, services, or equipment not covered or not fully covered by their parents’ health benefit plans. The foundation provides grants to families to help pay for child healthcare services such as speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy sessions, prescriptions, and medical equipment such as wheel chairs, orthotics, and eyeglasses.
Parents and legal guardians may apply for grants of up to $5,000 each for medical services and equipment by completing an online application. For an application and more information go to: United Healthcare Children’s Foundation – UHCCF
A Parent and Teacher Guide in Section 504: Frequently Asked Questions addresses the differences between section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
OAR: Understanding Asperger Syndrome: A Professor’s Guide provides a video detailing how Asperger Syndrome may affect classroom behavior.
The DOIT Center: Autism Spectrum Disorders presents information on ASD and a list of accommodations by class type that may support students.
Autism Focused Intervention Resources and Modules (AFIRM): online resources and modules for 27 evidence-based practices for children and youth with autism spectrum disorders.
National Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence and Practice (NCAEP): A free online tool for practitioners and families.
Indiana Resource Center for Autism: Academic Supports for College Students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Overview
NCLD: Self-Advocacy Skills and Self-Determination: Keys to Postsecondary Success – Key Considerations for Higher Education Faculty provides faculty with an overview of how to support students with invisible disabilities
George Washington University: HEATH Resource Center at the National Youth Transitions Center for Students with Autism in the College Classroom provides online resources and information for supporting students with ASD.
Anderson, A. H., Stephenson, J., Carter, M., & Carlon, S. (2018). A Systematic Literature Review of Empirical Research on Postsecondary Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49(4), 1531–1558.
Cox, B. E., Thompson, K., Anderson, A., Mintz, A., Locks, T., Morgan, L., Wolz, A. (2017). College experiences for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
(ASD): Personal identity, public disclosure, and institutional support. Journal of College Student Development.
Barnhill, G. P. (2016). Supporting students with Asperger syndrome on college campuses: Current practices. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities,31(1), 3–15.
Brown, K.R. & Coomes, M.D. (2016) A spectrum of support: current and best practices for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at community colleges, Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 40:6, 465-479.
Highlen, D. (2017) Helping Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder at the Community College: What Does the Research Say? What Can You Do?, Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 41:7, 447-454,
Jackson, S. L. J., Hart, L., Brown, J. T., & Volkmar, F. R. (2017). Brief Report: Self-Reported Academic, Social, and Mental Health Experiences of Post-Secondary Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48(3), 643–650.
Bailey, T., Jaggars, S.S., Jenkins, D. (2015). Implementing guided pathways at Miami Dade College: A case study.
Eilenberg, J. S., Paff, M., Harrison, A. J., & Long, K. A. (2019). Disparities based on race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status over the transition to adulthood among adolescents and young adults on the autism spectrum: a systematic review. Current Psychiatry Reports, 21(5).
Sáenz, V. B., García-Louis, C., Mercédez, C. D. L., & Rodriguez, S. L. (2018). Mujeres supporting: How female family members influence the educational success of Latino males in postsecondary education. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 19(2), 169–194.
FCIHE Webinar: Students with Intellectual Disabilities in a College Course? Sure! But How Do We Do It?
Florida Consortium for Inclusive Higher Education Advising /Person-Centered Planning Page provides helpful links and resources for professionals working with students with disabilities, including a link to the Students Transitioning to Adult Roles (STAR) Online Module.
Florida Center for Students with Unique Abilities
provides a wide array of resources that support the development of inclusive postsecondary education for students with intellectual disabilities, including a team planning tool and institutes, webinars, institutes, and student and family and transition planning resources.
Temple Collaborative on Community Inclusion’s Practical Guide for People with Disabilities Who Want to Go to College
California State University Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) “From Where I Sit” Video Series provides insight for faculty and disability support staff into the lives experienced by a variety of students with disabilities.
HEAD: White Paper on Students with Intellectual Disabilities and Campus Disability Services presents practice recommendations for accommodating students with intellectual disabilities.
Florida Consortium for Inclusive Higher Education Inclusive Postsecondary Education Webinar Series
Johnson, David R. (2014). A Proposed Model for Engaging and Retaining Student with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities/Autism in Minnesota’s State Colleges and Universities, Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota.
Mykerezi, E., Markelova, H., McCullough, G. (published date unknown). Longer Runway: Economic Analysis of the Post-Secondary Education and Training Options for Youth with Developmental Delays. University of Minnesota.
Institute of Education and Sciences (What Works Clearinghouse): Strategies for Postsecondary Students in Developmental Education–A Practice Guide for College and University Administrators, Advisors, and Faculty website and downloadable resources provide guidance on making postsecondary education accessible to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
University of North Florida Disability Resource Center: Faculty and Staff Learning Modules page presents information on students needing disability accommodations and supportive strategies by disability.
The DOIT Center: Equal Access: Student Services video presents information on how to apply universal design principles to make postsecondary student services accessible to all students.
National Center on Universal Design for Learning. Presents a repository of information on strategies to make college coursework accessible to all. Portal to the DOIT Center
Processes and Principles for Universal Design:
Applications of Universal Design
Florida Consortium on Inclusive Higher (FCIHE) UDL Online Module presents information on strategies to make college coursework accessible.
The DO IT Center: Distance Learning Course: Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities presents online modules for faculty members, teaching assistants and/or administrators on how to employ universal design and accommodation strategies.
Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) is a nonprofit education research and development organization that works to expand learning opportunities for all individuals through Universal Design for Learning.
AHEAD: White Paper on Supporting Accommodation Requests: Guidance on Documentation Practices
Burgstahler, S., & Russo-Gleicher, R.J. (2015). Applying Universal Design to Address the Needs of Postsecondary Students on the Autism Spectrum. Journal of Postsecondary Education & Disability, 28(2), 199.
Sarrett, J. C. (2017). Autism and Accommodations in Higher Education: Insights from the Autism Community. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48(3), 679–693.
College Autism Peer Support (CAPS) describes a successful peer mentoring program at Towson College
Lindsay, S., Hartman, L. R. & Fellin, M. (2016) A systematic review of mentorship programs to facilitate transition to post-secondary education and employment for youth and young adults with disabilities, Disability and Rehabilitation.
University of Massachusetts Medical School: Transitions ACR: Tools for School: Accommodations for College Students with Mental Health Challenges provides information and guidance for students with mental health challenges.–issue-briefs/education/
Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Subpart E – Postsecondary Education provides the full text of ADA components of section 504 related to post-secondary education.
Alverson, C. Y., Lindstrom,, L. E., & Hirano, K. A. (2019). High school to college: Transition experiences of young adults with autism. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 34(1), 52-64.
Bell, S., Devecchi, C., Mc Guckin, C., & Shevlin, M. (2017). Making the transition to post-secondary education: opportunities and challenges experienced by students with ASD in the Republic of Ireland. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 32(1), 54-70.
Hotez, E., Shane-Simpson, C., Obeid, R., DeNigris, D., Siller, M., Costikas, C., … Gillespie-Lynch, K. (2018). Designing a summer transition program for incoming and current college students on the Autism Spectrum: A participatory approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 9.
Lambe, S., Russell, A., Butler, C., Fletcher, S., Ashwin, C., Brosnan, M. (2018). Autism and the transition to university from a student perspective. Autism.
Lei, J., Ashwin, C., Brosnan, M., & Russell, A. (2019a). Developing an Online Tool to Measure Social Network Structure and Perceived Social Support Amongst Autistic Students in Higher Education: A Feasibility Study. Journal of Autism and Deveopmental Disorders.
Lei, J., Brosnan, M., Ashwin, C., & Russell, A. (2020). Evaluating the role of autistic traits, social anxiety, and social network changes during transition to first year of university in typically developing students and students on the Autism Spectrum. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
Lei, J., Ashwin, C., Brosnan, M., & Russell, A. (2019b). Differences in anxieties and social networks in a group-matched sample of autistic and typically developing students transitioning to university. Autism, 1362361319894830.
Lei, J., Brosnan, M., Ashwin, C., & Russell, A. (2019). Evaluation of a Transition to University Program for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In F. R. Volkmar (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders (pp. 1–8), Springer New York
Lei, J., Calley, S., Brosnan, M., Ashwin, C., & Russell, A. (2018). Evaluation o fa transition to university programme for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism ad Developmental Disorders, 1-15.
Mitchell, W., & Beresford, B. (2014). Young people with high-functioning autism and Asperger’s Syndrome planning for and anticipating the move to college: What supports a positive transition? British Journal of Special Education, 41(2), 151–171.
Nachman, B. R. (2020). Enhancing transition programming for college students with autism: A systematic literature review. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 33(1), 81-95.
Nuske, A., Rillotta, F., Bellon, M., & Richdale, A (2019). Transition to higher education for students with autism: A systemic literature review. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, No.
Peña, E. V., & Kocur, J. (2013). Parents’ experiences in the transition of students with autism spectrum disorders to community college. Journal of Applied Research in the Community College, 20(2). 25-32
Sturm, A., & Kasari, C. (2019). Academic and psychosocial characteristics of incoming college freshmen with autism spectrum disorder: The role of comorbidity and gender. Autism Research, 12(6), 931-940.
Wei, X., Wagner, M., Hudson, L., Yu, J. W., & Javitz, H. (2016). The effect of transition planning participation and goal-setting on college enrollment among youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Remedial and Special Education, 37(1), 3-14.
Accardo, A. L., Bean, K., Cook, B., Gillies, A., Edgington, R., Kuder, S. J., & Bomgardner, E. M. (2019). College Acccess, Success and Equity for Students on the Autism Spectrum. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49(12), 4877-4890.
Ames, M. E., McMorris, C. A., Alli, L. N., & Bebko, J. M. (2016). Overview and evaluation of a mentorship program for university students with ASD. Focus on Autism and other Developmental Disabilities, 31(1), 27-36.
Anderson, A. H., Stephenson, J., Carter, M., & Carlon, S. (2019). A Systematic Literature Review of Empirical Research on Postsecondary Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49(4), 1531-1558.
Anderson A.H., Carter, M., Stephenson, J. (2018). Perspectives of university students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developental Disorders, 48(3), 651-665.
American Council on Education: College on the Autism Spectrum features an article from Higher Education Today focused on preparing students for post-secondary education and supporting those already enrolled.
Autism Focused Intervention Resources and Modules (AFIRM): online resources and modules for 27 evidence-based practices for children and youth with autism spectrum disorders.
Autism Speaks Postsecondary Educational Opportunities Guide provides insights into steps to pursue post-secondary education and how to choose programs that support students with ASD.
College Autism Network provides resources and research summaries on post-secondary programing for students with ASD.
Center on Secondary Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (CSESA) provides information and resources to the community, individuals with autism and their families in the area of adolescence, autism, and high school.
Division on Career Development and Transition (DCDT) A division of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Promotes national/international efforts to improve career/vocational and transition services for individuals with disabilities.
The DOIT Center: Autism Spectrum Disorders presents information on ASD and a list of accommodations by class type that may support students.
The DOIT Center: Invisible Disabilities and Postsecondary Education webinar presents how student self-determination impacts effective accommodations for students who are ASD or have other invisible disabilities can result in successful outcomes.
Expanding the Dialogue on Autism: Education provides a discussion individualization and systems change to fully support individuals with ASD in post-secondary education.
George Washington University: HEATH Resource Center at the National Youth Transitions Center for Students with Autism in the College Classroom provides online resources and information for supporting students with ASD.
Indiana Resource Center for Autism: Academic Supports for College Students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Overview of ASD and recommendations for support.
Informing and Equipping Parents of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Offers recommendations for parents and other stakeholders to help assist their child.
IRIS Center is a national center dedicated to improving education outcomes for all children, especially those with disabilities (birth through age twenty-one) through the use of effective evidence-based practices and interventions. There are excellent professional development modules featured, including one on best-practice transition IEP development.
National Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence and Practice (NCAEP): A free online tool for practitioners and families.
NCLD: Self-Advocacy Skills and Self-Determination: Keys to Postsecondary Success – Key Considerations for Higher Education Faculty provides faculty with an overview of how to support students with invisible disabilities
OAR: Understanding Asperger Syndrome: A Professor’s Guide provides a video detailing how Asperger Syndrome may affect classroom behavior.
Scholarly Articles:
Anderson, A. H., Stephenson, J., Carter, M., & Carlon, S. (2018). A Systematic Literature Review of Empirical Research on Postsecondary Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49(4), 1531–1558.
Cox, B. E., Thompson, K., Anderson, A., Mintz, A., Locks, T., Morgan, L., Wolz, A. (2017). College experiences for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Personal identity, public disclosure, and institutional support. Journal of College Student Development.
Barnhill, G. P. (2016). Supporting students with Asperger syndrome on college campuses: Current practices. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities,31(1), 3–15.
Brown, K.R. & Coomes, M.D. (2016) A spectrum of support: current and best practices for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at community colleges, Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 40:6, 465-479.
Dallas, B. K., Ramisch, J. L., & McGowan, B. (2015). Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and the Role of Family in Postsecondary Settings: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Journal of Postsecondary Education & Disability, 28(2), 135.
Dijkhuis, R., de Sonneville, L., Ziermans, T., Staal, W., & Swaab, H. (2020). Autism symptoms, executive functioning and academic progress in higher education students. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 50(4), 1353–1363.
Highlen, D. (2017) Helping Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder at the Community College: What Does the Research Say? What Can You Do?, Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 41:7, 447-454
Jackson, S. L. J., Hart, L., Brown, J. T., & Volkmar, F. R. (2017). Brief Report: Self-Reported Academic, Social, and Mental Health Experiences of Post-Secondary Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48(3), 643–650.
Kirby, A. V. (2016). Parent Expectations Mediate Outcomes for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism Developmental Disorders, 46. 1643-1655.
Lizotte, M. (2018). I am a College Graduate: Postsecondary Experiences as Described by Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders. International Journal of Education and Practice, 6(4), 179–191.
White, S. W., Elias, R., Capriola-Hall, N. N., Smith, I. C., Conner, C. M., Asselin, S. B., Mazefsky, C. A. (2017). Development of a College Transition and Support Program for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47(10), 3072–3078.
Widman, C.J., Lopez-Reyna, N. Supports for Postsecondary Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review. (2020) Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
IM Diversity: Dialog on Career Counseling and Latino/a Student Needs presents information about how to engage Latino students in post-secondary education settings.
NTACT Cultural Diversity and Secondary Transition Annotated Bibliography provides summaries of a series of studies on culturally sensitive transition processes.
Scholarly Articles:
Bailey, T., Jaggars, S.S., Jenkins, D. (2015). Implementing guided pathways at Miami Dade College: A case study.
Crisp, G & Nori, A. (2010) Hispanic student success: Factors influencing the persistence and transfer decisions of Latino community college students enrolled in developmental education. Research in Higher Education
Eilenberg, J. S., Paff, M., Harrison, A. J., & Long, K. A. (2019). Disparities based on race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status over the transition to adulthood among adolescents and young adults on the autism spectrum: a systematic review. Current Psychiatry Reports, 21(5).
Sáenz, V. B., García-Louis, C., Mercédez, C. D. L., & Rodriguez, S. L. (2018). Mujeres supporting: How female family members influence the educational success of Latino males in postsecondary education. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 19(2), 169–194.
Find Something New provides additional tools and resources to support individuals as they progress through college and into the workforce. This site can be used to find your career path or to better plan for college and financial aid.
Florida Department of Education’s Approved Middle School Courses for Career and Education Planning provides a listing of courses that fulfill the requirements for a career planning course before ninth grade.
Florida Department of Education’s Career Cluster Infographic Fact Sheets are designed to give students information on career paths, education needed and CTE courses to explore a variety of high-demand fields.
Florida Department of Education’s College and Career Planning Educator’s Toolkit provides an overview of the middle grades career planning course requirements and planning tools for secondary education.
Florida Department of Education High School Course Planning Sheet is a chart that can be used as a visual support for planning high school coursework.
Florida Ready to Work provides training and free courses to help individuals become more employable. This coursework can provide the skills needed to enhance communication, reasoning, and problem-solving.
FutureQuest Island is an interactive program to explore career options.
Mi Proximo Paso/My Next Move provides online opportunities for career and post-secondary education exploration and planning. or
O*net Online provides comprehensive occupational descriptions and data and a compendium of employment and career exploration linked to the national employment index.
Project 10 Transition Education Network’s Middle School Transition Trail Map provides a step by step plan for planning for secondary postsecondary, and career outcomes.
Project 10 Transition Education Network’s Benchmarks for Middle School Transition Planning highlights the evidence-based indicators of postsecondary success
Project 10 Transition Education Network’s Career and Technical Education: Enhancing Educational Experiences in Middle School, High School and Postsecondary Education Provides guidance on steps to pursue CTE options as early as middle school.
Topical Brief:
Project 10 Transition Education Network’s Collaboration for a Smooth Secondary Transition Topical brief provides guidance on appropriate transition supports.
Think College’s Web-Based/Transition Assessments lists resources for assessing interests, abilities and work values for individuals with intellectual disabilities.
FCIHE Webinar: Independent Living & College Success. This webinar covers topics related to living on your own as a college student.
FCIHE: Webinar: What’s the difference between high school and college? This webinar explains differences between high school and post-secondary programs.
Find Something New provides additional tools and resources to support individuals as they progress through college and into the workforce. This site can be used to find your career path or to better plan for college and financial aid.
Finding your Way: A College Guide for Students on the Spectrum provides guidance for students preparing for transition to post-secondary education programs.
Florida Center for Students with Unique Abilities Planning for College Page provides resources and financial aid information on Florida’s postsecondary programs for students with intellectual disabilities.
National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability provides a workbook for youth to consider the benefits of disclosing and practice in how to do so effectively.
NTACT: Resources for encouraging student participation in transition IEP meetings provides numerous resources for educators to encourage self-advocacy during IEP meetings.
OAR: A Guide for Transition to Adulthood provides a comprehensive guide for parents and students as they consider secondary to post-secondary options.
Project 10 Standing Up for Me provides a self-determination and self-advocacy curriculum.
Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities provides a student guide to rights and responsibilities at the post-secondary level.
Think College Family Resources Page
Transition Coalition provides a series of training modules on transition support, including a module on cultural diversity.
Transition from School to Adulthood for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder: What We Know and What We Need to Know provides information regarding transition from high school to college and employment.
Scholarly Articles
Beresford, B., & Mitchell, W. (2014). Young people with high-functioning autism and Asperger’s syndrome planning for and anticipating the move to college: What supports a positive transition? British Journal of Special Education, 41(2), 151-171. doi:10.1111/1467-8578.12064
Brogdon, B., Cox, B. E., Edelstein, J., Roy, A., (2016). A Spectrum of Student Success: Identifying Factors Affecting Access, Experiences, and Outcomes for Students on the Autism Spectrum. College Autism Network, 1-35.
Chiang, Hsu-Min, Cheung, Y. K., Hickson, L., Tsai, L. Y., & Xiang, R. (2012). Predictive Factors of Participation in Postsecondary Education for High School Leavers with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord, 42, 685-696. doi: 10.1007/s10803-011-1297-7
Dallas, B. K., Ramisch, J. L., & McGowan, B. (2015). Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and the Role of Family in Postsecondary Settings: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 28(2), 135-147.
Los, J. E., Nasamran, A., & Witmer, S. E. (2017). Exploring Predictors of Postsecondary Outcomes for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 52(4), 343-356. doi:10.1037/e603852013-001
Manju, B., Donahue, A.T., Gobbo, K., & Shnulsky, S. (2017) College Students Who Have ASD: Factors Related to First Year Performance. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 30 (4). 373-382.
McDaniel, S. & Hall, L. J. (February, 2018). The promise of extra-curricular club participation for high school students with autism spectrum disorder. Oral presentation at Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) conference, Tampa, FL.
Richardson, J. T. (2016). Academic attainment in students with autism spectrum disorders in distance education. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, 32(1), 81-91. doi:10.1080/02680513.2016.1272446
Shattuck, P., Silverman, C., & Sosnowy, C. (2018). Parents’ and Young Adults’ Perspectives on Transition Outcomes for Young Adults with Autism. Autism, 22 (1), 29-39. Doi: 10.1177/1362361317699585
Affordability in the Florida College System presents an analysis of the challenges and approaches to making post-secondary education affordable.
FCIHE Webinar: Financial Aid for College
Find Something New provides additional tools and resources to support individuals as they progress through college and into the workforce. This site can be used to find your career path or to better plan for college and financial aid.
Florida Bright Futures Handbook lists Bright Futures scholarships, including
Florida Gold Seal CAPE Scholarships for students enrolled in certain career and technical education programs.
Florida Center for Inclusive Higher Education webinar focused on accessing scholarships
Project 10 Financial Planning for Postsecondary Education page:
VR Transition Program and Services provides services for both high school and post-secondary students, including support with funding education and securing a career.
Accommodations and Support Services for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A National Survey of Disability Resource Providers
Nova Southeastern University: Access Plus is a comprehensive program for services, academic, residential and vocational support for NSU students with ASD.
Santa Fe College: Spectrum of Success helps to integrate students with ASD into the Santa Fe College community.
Seminole State College: Full Spectrum Support facilitates successful adjustment and progression of Seminole State students with ASD in all domains of college life.
University of Florida: SOCIAL GATORS is a program for UF students who identify as students with ASD. The program focuses on assisting students with developing skills for social interactions, independent living, career seeking, and academics.
University of North Florida: THRIVE is an ASD support program that focuses on social skills, independent living skills, and career development skills.
University of West Florida: ARGOS for Autism provides academic, social, life skills, and career planning support to students with autism.
Disability Support Services provides information about navigating state colleges for students with disabilities.
FLDOE Technical Assistance Paper: Career and Technical Education Basic Skills Assessment Requirements addresses the basic skills requirements for completion of career and technical education career certification programs of 450 hours or longer.
Florida Counseling for Future Education Handbook provides a listing of Florida State College credentials.
Florida Postsecondary Education Guide provides information on Universities, State Colleges, Career Centers, and Private Programs.
Florida State Colleges, Florida DOE Division of State Colleges provides information on Florida state colleges.
A Parent and Teacher Guide in Section 504: Frequently Asked Questions addresses the differences between section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
College and Career Readiness and Success Center: How ESSA and IDEA Can Support College and Career Readiness for Students with Disabilities provides guidance on how these federal laws support the successful transition to post-secondary education and career development.
PACER: The ADA, Section 504 & Postsecondary Education explains the difference between the ADA and Section 504 and how they affect postsecondary education.
Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Subpart E – Postsecondary Education provides the full text of ADA components of section 504 related to post-secondary education.
Find Something New provides additional tools and resources to support individuals as they progress through college and into the workforce. This site can be used to find your career path or to better plan for college and financial aid.
Florida Abilities Work includes resources for job-seekers with disabilities and employers, and lists agencies that support employment, including CareerSource Florida and Career Source Centers.
Florida Department of Education’s Career Cluster Infographic Fact Sheets are designed to give students information on career paths, education needed and CTE courses to explore a variety of high-demand fields.
Florida Ready to Work provides training and free courses to help individuals become more employable. This coursework can provide the skills needed to enhance communication, reasoning, and problem-solving.
Mi Proximo Paso/My Next Move provides online opportunities for career and post-secondary education exploration and planning. or
O*net Online provides comprehensive occupational descriptions and data and a compendium of employment and career exploration linked to the national employment index.
Project 10 Transition Education Network’s Career and Technical Education: Enhancing Educational Experiences in Middle School, High School and Postsecondary Education Provides guidance on steps to pursue CTE options as early as middle school.
Topical Brief:
Vocational Rehabilitation (Florida Department of Education’s Division of Vocational Rehabilitation) provides support to individuals with disabilities whose employment is impacted by their disability.
VR Customer Services provides an overview of VR services.
Scholarly Articles
Briel, L. W., & Evans Getzel, E. (2014). In their own words: The career planning experiences of college students with ASD. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 40, 195-202. doi:10.3233/JVR-140684
Domin, D., & Sulewski, J. (2019). VR’s Role in the Seamless Transition from Higher Education to Employment. VR and Youth Rehabilitation Research and Training Center Practice Brief.
Kurtz, A and Jordan, M. (2008) Supporting Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Quality Employment Practices, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston.
AHEAD: White Paper on Students with Intellectual Disabilities and Campus Disability Services presents practice recommendations for accommodating students with intellectual disabilities.
California State University Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) “From Where I Sit” Video Series provides insight for faculty and disability support staff into the lives experienced by a variety of students with disabilities.
Florida Center for Students with Unique Abilities
provides a wide array of resources that support the development of inclusive postsecondary education for students with intellectual disabilities, including a team planning tool and institutes, webinars, institutes, and student and family and transition planning resources.
Florida Consortium for Inclusive Higher Education Advising /Person-Centered Planning Page provides helpful links and resources for professionals working with students with disabilities, including a link to the Students Transitioning to Adult Roles (STAR) Online Module.
Florida Consortium for Inclusive Higher Education Inclusive Postsecondary Education Webinar Series
FCIHE Webinar: Students with Intellectual Disabilities in a College Course? Sure! But How Do We Do It?
Temple Collaborative on Community Inclusion’s Practical Guide for People with Disabilities Who Want to Go to College
Scholarly Articles
Brown, K. R., & Coomes, M. D, (2015). A Spectrum of Support: Current and Best Practices for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at Community Colleges. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 40 (6), 465-479.
Johnson, David R. (2014). A Proposed Model for Engaging and Retaining Student with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities/Autism in Minnesota’s State Colleges and Universities, Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota.
Mykerezi, E., Markelova, H., McCullough, G. (published date unknown). Longer Runway: Economic Analysis of the Post-Secondary Education and Training Options for Youth with Developmental Delays. University of Minnesota.
College Autism Peer Support (CAPS) describes a successful peer mentoring program at Towson College
Scholarly Articles:
Girdler, S., Mazzucchelli, T. G., Rooney, R., & Siew, C. T. (2017). A Specialist Peer Mentoring Program for University Students on the Autism Spectrum: A Pilot Study. PLOS 12 (7).
Lindsay, S., Hartman, L. R. & Fellin, M. (2016) A systematic review of mentorship programs to facilitate transition to post-secondary education and employment for youth and young adults with disabilities, Disability and Rehabilitation.
CBTV: Outside the Box Accommodations in College part 1
NAMI College Guide discusses mental health challenges for post-secondary education students and support and strategies in response.
NCWD/Youth: Helping Youth with Mental Health Needs Avoid Transition Cliffs discusses challenges faced by young adults with mental health needs and describes strategies used by professionals to avoid age-related transition cliffs and prevent service interruptions.
University of Massachusetts Medical School: Transitions ACR – Executive Functioning Skills: The Real Reasons Why Students with Mental Health Conditions May Struggle Academically links to other resources that address mental health in postsecondary education.
University of Massachusetts Medical School: Transitions ACR – Outside the Box Accommodations provides information on accommodations to address the social/emotional needs of students dealing with mental health challenges (in English and Spanish).
University of Massachusetts Medical School: Transitions ACR: Tools for School: Accommodations for College Students with Mental Health Challenges provides information and guidance for students with mental health challenges.–issue-briefs/education/
Scholarly Articles:
Anderson, A., Cox, B. E., Edelstein, J., & Wolz A. (2019) Identifying and Addressing the Concerns of College Students with Autism. College Students with Autism. College Student Affairs Journal, 37, 14-27.
Hu, Q., & Chandrasekhar, T. (2020). Meeting the mental health needs of college students with ASD: A survey of university and college counseling center directors. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD): Employment Enhancement Project provides resources to assist persons who are on the iBudget waiting list with securing employment.
Arc of Florida provides resources and supports for individuals with intellectual disabilities
Disability Rights Florida provides advocacy and legal protection services for individuals with disabilities in Florida. See topical papers.
Employment First Florida supports competitive integrated employment for persons with disabilities.
Family Café provides an annual conference and resources for families of individuals with disabilities.
Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology (FAAST) provides assistive technology equipment loans, evaluations, and other resources.
Florida Centers for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) Seven regional centers provide support and assistance for persons with these disabilities, as well as training and technical assistance to post-secondary education programs and their faculty and staff.
Florida Center for Students with Unique Abilities provides a wide array of resources that support the development of inclusive postsecondary education for students with intellectual disabilities, including a team planning tool and institutes, webinars, institutes, and student and family and transition planning resources.
Florida Consortium for Inclusive Higher Education provides resources on a range of topics, including program development, independent living, career and employment, and more.
Florida Department of Education Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services (BEESS) oversees exceptional student education for students with disabilities, including autism, in Florida.
Florida Department of Education Division of Career and Adult Education oversees career and technical education and adult education for the state of Florida.
Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc. provides resources on a variety of topics relevant to families and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Many items are available in English and Spanish.
Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS) provides instructional support for technology, professional development training, and other resources to support district exceptional education programs and families of students with disabilities.
Project 10 Transition Education Network provides a wealth of information for Florida professionals, students with disabilities, and their families on planning for transition to adulthood.
Vocational Rehabilitation (Florida Department of Education’s Division of Vocational Rehabilitation) provides support to individuals with disabilities whose employment is impacted by their disability.
VR Customer Services provides an overview of VR services.
Vocational Rehabilitation: Ticket to Work Program describes a work incentive program for persons who are receiving Social Security benefits based on their disability.
Vocational Rehabilitation Transition Program and Services provides services for both high school and post-secondary students, including support with funding education and securing a career.
National Resources
Autism Speaks provides resources for individual and family support.
Division on Career Development and Transition (DCDT) A division of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Promotes national/international efforts to improve career/vocational and transition services for individuals with disabilities.
Family Network on Disabilities provides resources and training programs for persons with disabilities and families.
Organization for Autism Research (OAR) provides resources for people with ASD, their families, and support professionals to promote evidence-based practice.
Think College provides resources and training to support individuals with intellectual disabilities to attend post-secondary education programs, including resources for families. This site can be searched for extensive resources available in the Resource Library.
Scholarly Articles
Metty, W. (2019) Transition Contacts Meeting Part 1. FL: Florida Department of Education.
Accommodations and Support Services for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A National Survey of Disability Resource Providers
Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) is a nonprofit education research and development organization that works to expand learning opportunities for all individuals through Universal Design for Learning.
Columbia Regional Program provides expanded core curriculum designed to help educational staff to provide self-discovery, structured learning activities, and a cumulative understanding of the many facets of self-determination for youth and young adults with ASD.
The DO IT Center: Distance Learning Course: Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities presents online modules for faculty members, teaching assistants and/or administrators on how to employ universal design and accommodation strategies.
The DOIT Center: Equal Access: Student Services video presents information on how to apply universal design principles to make postsecondary student services accessible to all students.
Florida Consortium on Inclusive Higher (FCIHE) UDL Online Module presents information on strategies to make college coursework accessible.
Institute of Education and Sciences (What Works Clearinghouse): Strategies for Postsecondary Students in Developmental Education–A Practice Guide for College and University Administrators, Advisors, and Faculty website and downloadable resources provide guidance on making postsecondary education accessible to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
National Center on Universal Design for Learning. Presents a repository of information on strategies to make college coursework accessible to all. Portal to the DOIT Center
Processes and Principles for Universal Design:
Applications of Universal Design
University of North Florida Disability Resource Center: Faculty and Staff Learning Modules page presents information on students needing disability accommodations and supportive strategies by disability.
Scholarly Articles:
Burgstahler, S., & Russo-Gleicher, R.J. (2015). Applying Universal Design to Address the Needs of Postsecondary Students on the Autism Spectrum. Journal of Postsecondary Education & Disability, 28(2), 199.
Sarrett, J. C. (2017). Autism and Accommodations in Higher Education: Insights from the Autism Community. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48(3), 679–693.